About Us


We are ready to serve you! At RS Auto Remarketing, located in Anaheim, CA, we take pride in our inventory of quality used cars, trucks and SUVs, as well as our helpful and professional sales staff. Sell your next car with us, a dealership you can trust, and make the car selling process fun again!

A very simple, uncomplicated concept: have a buy-all-cars policy and give cash in return. That way, no one would have to hunt around for a buyer. Time would be saved all around. Money would be gained by many car sellers. It was a cool business idea, to be sure. Little wonder then that this “cash for cars” business ballooned in size and quickly became the biggest cash-for-cars company in Anaheim CA. Private car sellers flocked to these car-buying wizards and returned with nice lumps of cash in their wallets.

Who Will Buy Your Car?

Meet Our Car Buyers

RS Auto Remarketing has one simple mission: to simplify the car selling process. It’s our passion, and it’s why we work so hard for our customers. We’re backed by over 25 years in the auto industry, and we’ve worked hard to become the best vehicle purchasing experts in our field in the CA, United States.

We were founded with the goal of helping to ease the time and effort of selling vehicles, regardless of their condition. We’ve seen (and bought) everything from like-new, to used, to damaged, and even total loss vehicles. We are willing to back that up with our risk-free offers.


How We Help You Sell Your Car Fast

Cars are our business. We know how important they can become in a person’s life. We know that making the decision to sell a car can be a tough one. That’s why we guarantee our customers that we’ll provide them with a competitive offer on their vehicle.

We’re proud to provide free towing to our customers from coast to coast. We truly want the car selling process to be as easy as possible for our customers, so we go out of our way to achieve that.


All you have to do is refer us a vehicle and if we buy it, we give 200$ to the referrer.